中国宣布拘捕在西藏 平安的抗议显现了出成暴乱在拉萨中国的当局上星期拘捕了24 人跟随抗议反对中国规则在拉萨西藏城市, 根据正式媒介。公告来了当当局第一次承认了不安传播了外部西藏。 在拉萨, 170 个抗议者向当局在晚星期三以前, 状态媒介投降了被报告。 城市回到安静当中国继续加强它的安全存在在和在西藏附近。 报告制约 中国和西藏来源报告了非常开始在拉萨在3月10 日抗议的不同的, 在西藏起义的周年纪念反对中国规则。 警察是仍然到处, 并且我们昨天第一次看警察进入房子和做查寻 Georg Blume 德国新闻工作者在拉萨 甘肃街道离开了在图片: 队伍参加 当局安置了严密的极限在西部新闻工作者设法报告关于不安。 在星期四官员西藏每日引述了检察官因为说二十二嫌疑犯被拘捕了为"危及国家安全并且摔打, 捣毁, 抢劫, 放火罪和其它严重罪行" 。 政府网站引述了拉萨副首领检察官Xie Yanjun 因为说嫌疑犯"应该严厉地被惩罚保护法律的严格" 。 "这法律打破被组织了, 预谋了和仔细地计划了由Dalai 派系," 他说, 重申西藏的精神领导, 达赖喇嘛, 指使了不安的中国的要求。 西藏抗议 西藏: 抗议开始了在拉萨在十二个3月10 日, 被报告死结束周末甘肃: 不安传播了对Machu, 西藏政府在流放认为19 死, 并且近的Hezuo, 抗议者是被摄制的撕毁在西藏旗子四川下: 暴乱和伤亡报告在Aba, 和不安在其它地点青海: 其它不安报告了 关键事件和地方西藏的不固定的疆界 陈述媒介报道他们说的170 个人递了自己- 从105 人民向警察投降了在拉萨在被威胁以苛刻的处罚以后如果他们未能会见星期一最后期限。 它不是确切是否24 被拘捕是在170 之中被报告投降了。权利小组说他们听取了拘捕报告在上百。 Georg Blume, 德国新闻工作者, 告诉在拉萨"事稍微得到回到法线的BBC 。 "仅警察仍然是到处, 并且我们昨天第一次看见警察进入房子和做搜寻" 。 抗议者告诉了他他们由修士抑制愤怒并且每日歧视反对西藏人, 他认为。 甘肃录影 陈述媒介第一次并且报告了有是不安在四川和甘肃省, 邻居西藏。 新华社作为"流氓" 提到了抗议者在Aba 国家, 四川, 说他们造成了"巨大损伤" 对商店和政府机关。 甘肃抗议者撕毁了中国的旗子和培养了西藏一个 抗议者在中国 示威者要求西藏独立并且挥动西藏的"政府在流放" 旗子, 它认为。 更加早期, 录影从甘肃涌现了显示西藏人撕毁在中国旗子下和替换它用西藏一个。 上百抗议者能被看见徒步和马背在星期二的事件在一所学校在Hezuo 附近, 由一组加拿大电影工作人员夺取。 镇压 中国当局增强了努力使西藏在控制之下, 画在队伍从邻居区域。 在星期三单独, BBC 记者看见了超过400 架部队运输机和其它车在主路- 最大的动员因为不安开始了。 西藏划分中国说西藏总作为它的疆土西藏的部分被享用自治权的长期在20 世纪1950 年之前: 中国发射了军事袭击反对对中国规则导致血淋淋的起义1959 年西藏的精神领导达赖喇嘛出逃到印度 帐户从西藏寄发我们您的评论 西藏流放说, 至少99 个人死了, 包括80 在拉萨。中国认为, 16 个人被杀害了, 包括三个暴徒。 同时, 达赖喇嘛要求国际社会支持"我们的努力解决西藏的问题通过对话" 。 英国总理Gordon 布朗说中国的Premier Wen Jiabao 告诉他他是开放对谈话在某些情况下。 他说他告诉了Wen 先生他会遇见达赖喇嘛在参观期间到伦敦在5月并且暴力在西藏必须结束。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 您是在西藏吗? 您有朋友或家庭在这个区域吗? 国际社会怎么应该起反应对这个情况? 您能寄发我们您的意图使用形式如下: 您能寄发图片和录影对: 或文本他们到61124 。如果您有一个大文件您能上装here.Click 这里看期限和条件 决不如果您危及自己或其他人, 冒所有多余的险或违犯任何法律。 名字:
China announces arrests in Tibet
Peaceful protests developed into riots in Lhasa last week
China's authorities have arrested 24 people following protests against Chinese rule in the Tibetan city of Lhasa, according to official media.
The announcement came as authorities acknowledged for the first time that unrest had spread outside Tibet.
In Lhasa, 170 protesters had surrendered to authorities by late Wednesday, state media reported.
The city was returning to calm as China continued to build up its security presence in and around Tibet.
Reporting restrictions
Chinese and Tibetan sources have given very different accounts of the protests that began in Lhasa on 10 March, on the anniversary of a Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule.
Police are still everywhere, and for the first time yesterday we saw police going into the houses and doing searches
Georg Blume
German journalist in Lhasa
Gansu streets deserted
In pictures: Troops go in
Authorities have placed strict limits on Western journalists trying to report on the unrest.
On Thursday the official Tibet Daily quoted prosecutors as saying two dozen suspects had been arrested for "endangering national security as well as beating, smashing, looting, arson and other grave crimes".
A government website quoted Lhasa deputy chief prosecutor Xie Yanjun as saying that suspects "should be severely punished to protect the strictness of the law".
"This law-breaking was organised, premeditated and carefully planned by the Dalai clique," he said, reiterating China's claim that Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, had incited the unrest.
Tibet: Protests began in Lhasa on 10 March, dozens reported dead over weekend
Gansu: Unrest spread to Machu, where Tibetan government in exile says 19 died, and near Hezuo, where protesters were filmed tearing down Tibetan flag
Sichuan: Reports of riots and casualties in Aba, and of unrest in other locations
Qinghai: Other unrest reported
Key events and places
Tibet's unsettled borders
State media reported that 170 people had handed themselves in - up from the 105 people they said had surrendered to police in Lhasa after being threatened with harsh punishment if they failed to meet a Monday deadline.
It is not clear whether the 24 arrested are among the 170 reported to have surrendered. Rights groups say they have heard reports of arrests in the hundreds.
Georg Blume, a German journalist, told the BBC that in Lhasa "things have been getting a little bit back to normal.
"But police are still everywhere, and for the first time yesterday we saw police going into the houses and doing searches".
Protesters told him they had been angered by the repression of monks and daily discrimination against Tibetans, he said.
Gansu video
State media also reported for the first time that there had been unrest in the provinces of Sichuan and Gansu, neighbouring Tibet.
Xinhua news agency referred to protesters in Aba country, Sichuan as "mobsters", saying they had caused "great damage" to shops and government offices.
Gansu protesters tore up China's flag and raised the Tibetan one
Protesters in China
Demonstrators had called for Tibetan independence and waved the flags of Tibet's "government-in-exile", it said.
Earlier, video emerged from Gansu showing Tibetans tearing down a Chinese flag and replacing it with a Tibetan one.
Hundreds of protesters can be seen on foot and horseback in Tuesday's incident at a school near Hezuo, captured by a Canadian film crew.
Chinese authorities have intensified efforts to bring Tibet under control, drawing in troops from neighbouring areas.
On Wednesday alone, BBC reporters saw more than 400 troop carriers and other vehicles on the main road - the largest mobilisation since the unrest began.
China says Tibet was always part of its territory
Tibet enjoyed long periods of autonomy before 20th century
1950: China launched a military assault
Opposition to Chinese rule led to a bloody uprising in 1959
Tibet's spiritual leader the Dalai Lama fled to India
Accounts from Tibet
Send us your comments
Tibetan exiles say that at least 99 people have died, including 80 in Lhasa. China says that 16 people were killed, including three rioters.
Meanwhile, the Dalai Lama has called for the international community to support "our efforts to resolve Tibet's problems through dialogue".
UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said China's Premier Wen Jiabao had told him he was open to talks under certain conditions.
He said he had told Mr Wen that he would meet the Dalai Lama during a visit to London in May and that the violence in Tibet must end.
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